Singende Seile - Die Seilbahnlandschaft des Urner Schächentals
The hybrid publication „Singende Seile“ (print/digital/open access) brings together a dozen conversations as a polyphonic oral history along all the main ropeways of the Schächen Valley. Scientific contributions shed light on historical, technological, social and cultural contexts. The photographer and ethnographer Christof Hirtler provides insights into daily life and practices around those places. The sound recordings by Michel Roth listen into the interior of this widely ramified technological and social network. This acoustic documentation and analysis is supplemented by graphic charts by Julia Glanzmann. Numerous audio samples (via links or QR codes) allow to discover this unique landscape by reading, looking and listening.

Book cover „Singende Seile“
Michel Roth and Romed Aschwanden (eds.), Singende Seile. Die Seilbahnlandschaft des Urner Schächentals, with contributions by Romed Aschwanden, Roland Baumgartner, Kilian Gasser, Julia Glanzmann, Christof Hirtler, Iris Högy, Michel Roth, Oliver Rutz and Rahel Wunderli, Bildfluss-Verlag, Altdorf 2023, ISBN: 978-3-9525870-0-3.
Published (open access) with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation for the promotion of scientific research.